50th Annual Meetings Program FINAL (PDF: 2.75 MB)
7pm-11pm Reception North Mezzanine
THURSDAY 26 OCT (Crystal Ballroom, 7th floor)
8:00 | 8:45 | COFFEE | |||
8:45 | - | 9:00 | WELCOME | ||
SESSION: Bioarchaeology | |||||
9:00 | - | 9:15 | Isotopic Inquires into the Potato Famine: Investigating Origins of Individuals from Pointe-Saint-Charles Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec | Lovatt C et al | |
9:15 | - | 9:30 | Isotopic evidence of sedentism in Archaic Age groups from the Antilles: multiple isotope data from Canímar Abajo, Cuba | Chinique de Armas Y et al | |
9:30 | - | 9:45 | Early life and early death in a wet-nursing community: Diet and stress in infants from 18th-19th century Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec | Holland S et al | |
9:45 | - | 10:00 | Assessing the Biological Diversity Between the Cemeteries of Canímar Abajo Through Metric and Non-Metric Dental Traits | Lischka M et al | |
10:00 | - | 10:15 | Lethal Violence in a Peruvian Child Mummy | Andersen H et al | |
10:15 | - | 10:30 | COFFEE | ||
10:30 | - | 10:45 | COFFEE | ||
10:45 | - | 11:00 | Nail Keratin Amino Acid Stable Isotopes Reveal Insights into Early Childhood Diet | Salahuddin H et al | virtual |
11:00 | - | 11:15 | Experiences of the Certosa Children: Patterns of growth and childhood stress at the turn of the 20th Century in Bologna, Italy | Nelson J et al | |
11:15 | - | 11:30 | Investigation and Analysis of Hypogeum Burial Patterns in The Near East (Continuity or Change) | Shahrzad P | |
11:30 | - | 11:45 | Exploring the interplay of biological sex and gender in a late Bronze Age tholos tomb and ossuary in the island of Kefalonia, Greece | Sierra-Serrano E et al | |
11:45 | - | 12:00 | Investigating inter- and intra- individual variation in short term diet using hair from mummy bundles at Pachacamac, Peru. | Wliliams JS et al | |
12:00 | - | 12:15 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
12:15 | - | 12:30 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
12:30 | - | 12:45 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
12:45 | - | 13:00 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
13:00 | - | 13:15 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
13:15 | - | 13:30 | STUDENT LUNCHEON | ||
SYMPOSIUM: Restitution and rematriation/repatriation in biological anthropology: Defining and realising ethical practice, restoration of justice, return and redress. (Chairs: Julia Gamble and Victoria Gibbon) | |||||
13:30 | - | 13:45 | Example of an ongoing repatriation of a Mesoamerican skeleton at the Université de Montréal. Ethical, scientific and political considerations. | Houle E et al | Virtual |
13:45 | - | 14:00 | Possibilities and limitations of using DNA to reconnect missing Indigenous children with their families and communities | Hider J et al | |
14:00 | - | 14:15 | Moving Toward Respectful Care Practices: A Census of the Ancestors at the Anthropology Laboratories, University of Manitoba | ten Bruggencate R et al | |
14:15 | - | 14:30 | Engagement with Ancestral Remains, USA | Pfeiffer S | |
14:30 | - | 14:45 | Distinguishing restitution from repatriation: An argument for restitutionary work | Gibbon VE and Rassool C | |
14:45 | - | 15:00 | COFFEE | ||
15:00 | - | 15:15 | COFFEE | ||
SESSION: Primatology | |||||
15:15 | - | 15:30 | Sharing space and parasites: Human’s influence on Eulemur fulvus parasite ecology | Cosby AE et al | virtual |
15:30 | - | 15:45 | Nest building in wild infant chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale, Uganda | Khayer T et al | virtual |
15:45 | - | 16:00 | Monkeys who experience more feeding competition utilize social information to learn foraging skills faster | Arseneau-Robar TJM et al | |
16:00 | - | 16:15 | Platyrrhines modify social behaviour across forest zones in a Costa Rican rainforest | Bolt LM et al | |
16:15 | - | 16:30 | A preliminary analysis of the role of body size, phylogeny, and function on interspecific shape variation of the chimpanzee and bonobo distal femur | Friesen SE et al | |
16:30 | - | 16:45 | A landscape archaeological approach to accumulative stone throwing (AST) in West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) | Nakano R and Kalan AK | |
16:45 | - | 17:00 | Impacts of the social environment on infant development in Rwenzori Angolan colobus monkeys | Stead SM and Teichroeb JA | |
17:00 | - | 17:15 | Protecting Lemurs through Education: Field trips with youth in Fort Dauphin | Walker-Bolton A et al | |
17:15 | - | 17:30 | A wild perspective on handedness: why it matters | Kalan AK |
FRI 27 OCT (Crystal Ballroom, 7th floor)
8:00 | 8:30 | COFFEE | |||
SESSION: Health and Disease in the Past | |||||
8:30 | - | 8:45 | Searching for scourges in the Historical Cemetery of Notre-Dame in Montreal (18th century): Preliminary DNA results | B-Hardy M-H et al | |
8:45 | - | 9:00 | New approaches to diagnosing anemia in bioarchaeology: Getting out of the hole. | Brickley MB | |
9:00 | - | 9:15 | Exploring the use of DNA analysis to study stress in the past | Brien NE et al | |
9:15 | - | 9:30 | Hardship and Humanity: Osteobiographical Insights into the Irish Famine Diaspora during the 1847 Typhus Epidemic in Kingston, Ontario | Kelly J | |
9:30 | - | 9:45 | Skin and Bone: Accidents, injury, and violence in industrializing London, 1760-1901 | Mant M and Alker Z | |
9:45 | - | 10:00 | Quantifying the accuracy of porous lesion scoring using macroscopic vs. micro-CT analysis | Morgan B et al | |
10:00 | - | 10:15 | In society's shadow: Structural violence at Pachacamac, Perú | Ward A et al | |
10:15 | - | 10:30 | Childhood health and identity in the Byzantine: A paleopathological analysis of juveniles from Thebes, Greece | Strickland E and Liston M | virtual |
10:30 | - | 10:45 | COFFEE | ||
10:45 | - | 11:00 | COFFEE | ||
SYMPOSIUM: Innovation and technology forensic anthropology/archaeology (Chair: Victoria Gibbon) | |||||
11:00 | - | 11:15 | Forensic Anthropology and the Arctic: Unique Challenges and Approaches | Young J | |
11:15 | - | 11:30 | Exploring 3D modeling technologies: A practical exercise in rapid prototyping to support forensic facial reconstructions | Simpson T | |
11:30 | - | 11:45 | Start with the Why: How Research in Scattered Remains Turned into a Podcast | Kjorlien Y | |
11:45 | - | 12:00 | Minimally destructive and non-invasive approaches in ancient human and forensic DNA analysis | Tran CNH et al | |
12:00 | - | 12:15 | LUNCH | ||
12:15 | - | 12:30 | LUNCH | ||
12:30 | - | 12:45 | LUNCH | ||
12:45 | - | 13:00 | LUNCH | ||
13:00 | - | 13:15 | LUNCH | ||
13:15 | - | 13:30 | LUNCH | ||
SESSION: Biomedical Anthropology | |||||
13:30 | - | 13:45 | Beer, Bones, and Biomechanics: Investigating the Impacts of Alcohol Use Patterns on Femoral Cross-Sectional Geometry in Young Adult Males | Brent KE et al | |
13:45 | - | 14:00 | Variability in the rate of aging: An investigation of OA and BMD in adults | Calce SE et al | |
14:00 | - | 14:15 | HIV-Status, Inflammation, and Epigenetic Age among a Diverse Cohort of Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults | Gibb JK et al | |
14:15 | - | 14:30 | Variation in habitual activity and body composition: a volumetric comparison of swimmers and runners | Hertz MP et al | |
14:30 | - | 14:45 | Assessing how entheseal malformation impact locomotion and loading of bones. | Rabey KN et al | |
14:45 | - | 15:00 | Nats'eji: Examining Indigenous wellness and healing at Stanton Territorial Hospital, Northwest Territories, Canada | Roher S | |
15:00 | - | 15:15 | Mortality due to gendered violence and life stage vulnerability in South Africa. | Voegt CM et al | |
15:15 | - | 15:30 | COFFEE | ||
15:30 | - | 15:45 | COFFEE | ||
SESSION: Skeletal Biology | |||||
15:45 | - | 16:00 | Super-resolution imaging algorithm for the bony labyrinth of the human temporal bone using micro-computed tomography and deep learning. | Shumeng J et al | |
16:00 | - | 16:15 | Measure twice before you cut once - a comparison of molar odontometrics | Laughton JK | |
16:15 | - | 16:30 | Beyond a Binary: Working towards best practices for estimating sex from human skeletal remains | Reid S et al | |
16:30 | - | 16:45 | 3D morphological analysis of human cortical bone remodeling spaces using micro-CT data | Wei X et al | |
16:45 | - | 17:00 | The rotational profile of the lower limb in horseback riders, agriculturalists, and industrial individuals. | Wollmann-Reynolds JS et al | |
17:00 | - | 17:15 | BUSINESS MEETING | ||
17:15 | - | 17:30 | BUSINESS MEETING | ||
17:30 | - | 17:45 | BUSINESS MEETING | ||
17:45 | - | 18:00 | BUSINESS MEETING | ||
19:00 | - | 23:00 | Doors OPEN – Cash Bar | ||
19:30 | - | 23:00 | BANQUET |
SATURDAY 28 OCT (Crystal Ballroom, 7th floor)
8:00 | - | 8:30 | COFFEE | ||
SESSION: Human Evolution | |||||
8:30 | - | 8:45 | A micro-computed tomography approach to differential histology of fossil fragments from Koobi Fora | Astle A et al | virtual |
8:45 | - | 9:00 | Exploring the Utility of Bioinformatics Tools for the Analysis of Pathogen aDNA in Fossil Metagenomes | Bhattacharya A et al | |
9:00 | - | 9:15 | Spatial approaches aid interpretations of Holocene Southern African Ancestral Khoesan dietary variation | Cameron ME et al | |
9:15 | - | 9:30 | Helpful Hominin Hips: There is no evidence for major reorganization of the pelvis among hominins | Kurki H and Wall-Scheffler C | |
9:30 | - | 9:45 | Children at Roonka, South Australia: Social and political burials | Littleton JH | |
9:45 | - | 10:00 | Canalization and Plasticity in the Pelvis: An ontogenetic study of pelvic morphological variation in forager populations | MacKinnon M et al | |
10:00 | - | 10:15 | Meet the Chibanians | Roksandic M | |
10:15 | - | 10:30 | COFFEE | ||
10:30 | - | 10:45 | COFFEE | ||
SYMPOSIUM: Creating A Socially Responsive Practice in Biological Anthropology (Chairs: Jose Sanchez, Lara Rosenoff Gauvin and Laura Kelvin) | |||||
10:45 | - | 11:00 | Rectifying Medicolegal Disparities for the Missing: Mississippi Repository for Missing and Unidentified Persons | Goliath JR and Cox JL | virtual |
11:00 | - | 11:15 | Community Engaged Forensic Anthropology in Manitoba | Holland E | |
11:15 | - | 11:30 | Critical Perspectives on the Ethics of Indigenous Cranial Casts in Anthropological Collections | Lameg D and Collins B | |
11:30 | - | 11:45 | Examining Community Engagement of Forensic Anthropologists in Humanitarian Contexts | Perez B and Spake L | |
11:45 | - | 12:00 | From lab to life: Integrating a human rights framework to bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology teaching | Sanchez J | |
SESSION: Forensic Anthropology | |||||
12:00 | - | 12:15 | The intersection of forensic anthropology and gender diversity: Evaluating the identification of transgender individuals by Canadian forensic anthropologists | Pigeon EC and Cahn J | |
12:15 | - | 12:30 | Metric sex assessment from the sternum: a non-population-specific method using computed tomography (CT) | Godwin KI and Scott S | |
12:30 | - | 12:45 | Assessing the Utility of Univariate and Multivariate Approaches for Estimating Sex Using the Femur | Bonello L and Albanese J | virtual |
12:45 | - | 13:00 | The Allocation Accuracies of Using the Tibia in Sex Estimation: Five Measurements Independently and Combinedly | Shang Q and Albanese J | virtual |
13:00 | - | 13:15 | Did you know Canada has a National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains (NCMPUR) | Muhlig I | virtual |
13:15 | - | 13:30 | CLOSING REMARKS |
POSTERS (Concert Ballroom, 7th floor) Thur/Fri ONLY
1 | Possibilities of Peptide Analysis: Sex determination based on Y:X ratios in dental enamel amelogenin | Avery C et al |
2 | Can diaphyseal shape variables improve the reliability of juvenile age estimation methods applied across populations? | Behunin K et al |
3 | Preliminary insights into the effect of the Roman to Anglo-Saxon transition on early childhood vertebral growth in rural assemblages from southeast England. | Caldwell D |
4 | Women's Health in French-Canada: A Humanistic Approach | Christenson R et al |
5 | A Comparison of Micro-CT and Macroscopic Analysis of Mineralization Defects in Bones and Teeth in Children from 18th-19th century Canada and 17th-19th century Netherlands | Cooke A et al |
6 | Feeding Positional Behavior Preference in the Mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) | Costigan KC |
7 | A geometric morphometric analysis of the Salkhit calva from the Khentii Province, Mongolia | Darvi A et al |
8 | Embalming Effect on Osteopontin in Human Bone | Ferguson CL et al |
9 | A Probable Case of Metastatic Cancer in Roman Austria: Exploring Ancient Health, Lifestyle, and Activity | Gilmour R et al |
10 | Refining and Validating a Method of Microscopic Human Skeletal Sex Assessment of the Human Femur Using Cortical Bone Histology | Gregory-Alcock G and Rogers T |
11 | Changes in Active Behaviours for Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) in Relation to Riparian Habitats | Heffernan MB |
12 | Testing the Accuracy of Structured Light 3D Scanning for Archaeological Human Teeth | Heinrichs E and Gamble JA |
13 | Evaluation of Full Spectrum (IR/UV) Photography to Visualize Latent Fingerprints on Difficult Surfaces | Judd NRM et al |
14 | Global and Local Ancestry Estimation in a Large Captive Baboon Colony | Kendall C et al |
15 | Shape variation in the hominoid cuboid | Komza K et al |
16 | Impacts of social buffering on affiliative behaviour in Lemur catta | Kumpan LT et al |
17 | Sternal Rib Microfractures: A New Diagnostic Criterion for Nonadult Scurvy? | Langlois MD et al |
18 | Moving and managing animals in Hellenistic Thessaly: Insights from sequential dentine stable isotope analysis | Mah J et al |
19 | New proposed method for stature estimation in children from long bone lengths | Murray NJ et al |
20 | Howling Frequency and Prevalence in the Mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) in relation to Time of Day. | Nazarova-Shamkina A |
21 | A Preservation Index for Contextualizing Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) Frequency Data: Toward Improving the Validity of a Palaeopathological Dataset | Nikota R et al |
22 | Age-related Changes in Femoral Robusticity in Medieval and Early Modern | Parker K |
23 | Microbiome Influences on Human Growth and Health Outcomes | Phillips N |
24 | Examining Dietary Variation within a Medieval (11th-15th c. AD) Cemetery from Osor, Croatia | Propst A et al |
25 | Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Geographic Origins and Mobility in the Catacombs of St. Callixtus (Rome, Italy) | Prowse TL and Rutgers LV |
26 | Trashed or Treasured? The Kozja Cave Child | San Filippo M et al |
27 | Exploring the Biological Affiliations of the Enigmatic Sopris Phase Culture of Southeastern Colorado Using Craniometric Variation | Schillaci MA and Schroeder L |
28 | Digital Dissections: Deep Learning Image Segmentation of MicroCT Scans of Ancient Hands. | Schneider M et al |
29 | Evaluating the advantages and limitations of gunshot trauma 3D reconstruction from postmortem CT scans | Semma Tamayo A and Spake L |
30 | Male Breast Cancer & Paleopathology: A Pilot Study Investigating a Possible Bias in Differential Diagnosis | Siek TJ |
31 | Lead Exposure in Ancient Corinth and Stymphalos (3rd to 7th c. A.D.): Preliminary Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Images and Bone Concentration Results | Simpson RML et al |
32 | Intangible Dimensions: Translating Anthropometric Measurements for Living People for Use with Computed Tomography (CT) Scans of Deceased Individuals | Wiley AN et al |
33 | Living With Physical Disability in the Late Intermediate Period of Peru: A Bioarchaeology of Care Case Study | Woodley K et al |
34 | Deep within the cave: Understanding Petnica Cave underwater burials | Fedora et al |
35 | Black Bone Disease – What is it and what does it mean for PMI? | Bertram B |