The President will Chair the annual business meeting. The President will have the powers and authorities typically vested in the Presidency of a learned society and will be required to discharge these and other duties as directed by the membership of the Association.
The immediate Past-President will assist the president and will assume the role of President in the event of the absence or disability of the President during the first year of the President's term.
The Secretary-Treasurer will manage the account(s) of the Association and will collect and disburse funds according to the direction of the membership. The Secretary-Treasurer will prepare an annual report of all financial activity, to be presented and entered into the minutes at the annual business meeting. They will maintain the active membership list, including a list in electronic format. They will take the minutes of the annual business meeting and will make these available to the Newsletter Editor for distribution to the membership. The Secretary-Treasurer will assume the role of President in the event of absence of the President during the final two years of the President's term.
Student Representative
The Student Representative will represent the interests of the student members of the association. This will include soliciting and gathering student news for the newsletter and web-site, and voicing specific student concerns to the association executive and to the membership at large.
Newsletter Editor
The Newsletter Editor will produce and distribute the Association's newsletter, including solicitation of material, copy editing and layout, printing and distribution.
Website Editor
The Website Editor (formerly Webmaster) will maintain the Association's website (, including the principal and associated pages and hyperlinks, and coordinating with the newsletter editor, conference organizers, and others to maintain current information and resources of interest to the membership and the broader community. The Website Editor will serve for a three (3) year term (formerly 5 year term) at which time the position will be open for other applicants.