Community Resources

These resources were created by CABA-ACAB's Standing Committee on Residential School Graves to aid Indigenous communities in their searches for missing children in Indian Residential School (IRS) contexts. "When Unmarked Graves are Found" is a short resource detailing the possible stages of work that communities may choose to undertake in their searches for missing children. "What Comes Next" is a lengthier document answering frequently asked questions surrounding the biological anthropology terminology and techniques that may be relevant to this work. 

These resources are living documents that will be updated as required. For questions or comments about these documents, please email the Standing Committee at We are committed to creating biological anthropology resources that serve the diverse needs of communities doing this important work-- should you have any ideas or needs for additional resources, we welcome communication via email at the aforementioned address.

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PDF icon When Unmarked Graves are Found PDF icon What Comes Next