2024 CABA-ACAB Annual Meeting

Dear CABA-ACAB Members,

Bonjour, tanshi, aninskwa, ëdlánët’ë, hau koda, tawāw, hello!

We are happy to announce that the dates for CABA-ACAB's 51st annual meeting are set. Please join the team from Western, from the evening of Wednesday October 30th to Saturday November 2nd.

The meetings will be held at our usual venue - the Delta Armories by Marriot - located at 325 Dundas Street London, Ontario, N6B 1T9.  

Room booking is already available via this link. Discounted groups rates are available until Sept. 27th.

The Scientific Program Committee for the 2024 CABA-ACAB Meeting is requesting proposals for symposia.

To submit a proposal, please provide the following in a word document (or equivalent) submitted by email to caba2024@groups.uwo.ca by July 31st, 2024.

•    Tentative symposium title
•    Paragraph summarizing the concept/focus of the symposium
•    Tentative list of participants
•    Preference of format (poster, podium, virtual, no preference)

All symposium proposals will be evaluated by the CABA-ACAB 2024 Scientific Program Committee. Given the limited time slots available, it may not be possible to accept all proposals. Symposia will be judged on merits including the proposed length, the potential to bring together participants virtually from multiple institutions and/or research groups, the scholarly interest of the theme tying the presentations together, and how interesting and useful they are likely to be to the attending CABA/ACAB membership at large. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to discuss format/length etc. with those submitting proposals. Symposia proposals are welcome in both official languages. Presenters in symposia are encouraged to consider delivering presentations in one language while having slides in the other or both languages.

Please let Andrea (awaters8@uwo.ca(link sends e-mail)) know if you have questions.

Kind regards,

Your local arrangements team of Andrea Waters-Rist, Andrew Nelson, Jay Stock and Ian Colquhoun

CABA-ACAB 2024 Annual Meeting Announcement PDF