
The following table lists the registration fees for CAPA Members, Student Memebers, and Non-Members. Note that after September 15, 2015 registraiton is considered late and will be subject to a late fee. Online registration and banquet purchases will continue to be accepted until 24 Oct. 2015.

Registration Fees 

Memership StatusFee Before Sept. 15Fee After Sept. 15
Student Memeber$55$70

To register for the 2015 CAPA-ACAP Conference and purchase a banquet ticket, please fill out the online registration and abstract submission form which includes the abstract submission, banquest tickets, and online payment methods. If you prefer to pay via a cheque or money order, please submit the online registration form and select the cheque payment option. Print out a copy of the registration confirmation that you receive via email and mail it along with your cheque or money order made payable to Can Assoc for Phys Anthro to:

CAPA Conference 2015
c/o Rob Hoppa
Department of Anthropology
315 Fletcher Argue Building
15 Chancellor Circle
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 5V5