2024 CABA-ACAB Annual Meeting

2024 Registration

Registration fees for CABA Members, Student Members, and Non-Members are listed below. Please note that Early Bird rates are available only until October 1, 2024, inclusive.

Membership StatusFee until Oct. 1Fee after Oct. 1
Student/Special DAY PASS (in-person only)$40
Regular/Non-member DAY PASS (in-person only)$100
Student/Special - in-person$75$100
Student/Special - virtual$50$75
Regular - in-person$200$250
Regular – virtual$80$100
Non-Member - in-person$275$300
Non-member - virtual$125$125

Dinner Banquet:
A buffet-style banquet dinner will be held the evening of Friday November 1st. Doors will open at 7pm. There is a maximum of 140 spots available for the dinner banquet.

Student/Special: $55
Full Member/Non-member: $100

If you wish to purchase a banquet ticket separately from your conference registration, you may use this form.

To register for the 2024 CABA-ACAB Conference and purchase a banquet ticket, please fill out the online registration and abstract submission form (click here), which includes the abstract submission, banquet tickets (including link to purchase a guest non-member ticket), and online payment methods. You may purchase one additional ‘guest’ (i.e. non-member) banquet dinner ticket. You will be asked to indicate your dietary preferences and restrictions.