This workshop is aimed at both forensic practitioners and bioarchaeologists who have to deal with skeletal remains. The aim is to elucidate the most common pathological changes seen on the human skeleton, with most possible differential diagnoses. Non-specific signs of disease and stress will also be covered. The programme will be scheduled so that there is time for lectures and practicals (demonstrations), but attendees are invited to bring along case studies or short presentations to clarify diagnostically problematical or interesting cases from their own experience. All presenters are medical doctors with extensive experience in the assessment of human skeletal remains. CPD points will be awarded. The intention is to keep costs as low as possible, so only basic catering will be provided.
Presenters: Prof GJR Maat (The Netherlands), Prof N Lynnerup (Denmark), Prof M Steyn (South Africa)
Venue: Basic Medical Sciences building, Prinshof (Medical) Campus, University of Pretoria.
Cost: R2000 per person.
Payment: FNB
Department of Anatomy; Cheque account
Zambesi (branch): 250655
Use as reference you surname and PPS, e.g., Steyn_PPS
Please send confirmation of payment to
Registration: Online registration to be completed and submitted:
Registrations open 10 January 2013 and close 30 April 2013
Abstract submission: Abstracts (300 words max) for presentations should be emailed to before 20 April. Please note that the abstracts will not be formally reviewed, and they need not reflect work in final stages of completion. Any interesting case studies are welcome and all relevant abstracts will be accepted.
Bone pathology / palaeopathology symposium
Event Type:
lun, mai 12, 2014 - jeu, mai 15, 2014
University of Pretoria